Foreword to Thoughts and Pictures by Eugene B. Kuntz

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Szerző: Howard Phillips Lovecraft • Év: 1932

Readers of the Southwestern dailies, the Presbyterian denominational press, and the journals of the National Amateur Press Association need no introduction to the poetry of the Reverend Eugene B. Kuntz, D.D.

For many years Dr. Kuntz has reflected the thoughts and experiences of a full and active life in verse, and lately his productiveness has reached an astonishing level. It is only fitting, then, that a group of his informal metrical musings be preserved in a medium less ephemeral than the periodical press.

Dr. Kuntz is best known—and justly so—for his vivid and original poems on aspects of mountain grandeur. Unusually sensitive to this form of beauty, and fortunate enough to have lived for a long time in Colorado, where it is supremely exemplified, he has celebrated the changeless majesty and kaleidoscopic moods of earth’s peaks in words and cadences that echo much of the mystic stateliness of their themes. Some day, it is to be hoped, a collection of this mountain poetry can be published.

The dominant style of Dr. Kuntz is a long iambic line—often an Alexandrine—exhibiting apt and stately compound words sometimes coined with vast originality and spontaneousness. Though traditional in cast, the poems shew in their images a fresh and individual perception and strong and sincere artistic emotion. Even when some sententious reflection occurs toward the close, it is seldom obtruded so baldly as to dilute the poetry.

In the present collection many of the pieces represent a somewhat different side of Dr. Kuntz’s work; homely and familiar newspaper verse in which phases of life are touched upon with thoughtful observation and reflection. Most of these, very naturally, are meant to be judged by the canons of good sense and general taste rather than by those laws of abstract aesthetics which rule out everything savouring of the conventional in atmosphere and phraseology.

Dr. Kuntz, though born in the Rhineland district of Germany, was brought to America as an infant and reared on the edge of the old South. Entering the Presbyterian ministry, he has held many important pastorates in the West and Southwest. His literary activities have increased from year to year, and his verse now forms an almost daily feature in the press in his region. He belongs to several prominent literary organisations, and is represented in the International Poets’ Anthology for 1929.


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